Monday, May 22, 2006

galapagos. more photos have been posted to flickr. to get a detailed day-by-day i suggest reading ryan's account; i dont plan to post what limited record i wrote in my pen and paper journal, and i know i won't see everyone to tell them in person. i do plan to have some form of get together to show photos and talk about the trip and drink whisky. stay tuned for more on that.


Anonymous said...

for those of us not able to visit new york and drink your very smokey whisky (with no "e") it would be cool to read even just snippets from your journal - it's kind of fun to see what other people thought were highlights. that might violate the "terse" mantra of your blog though, so i won't push.

thanks for coming - it was a hell of a trip. i'll hopefully get my photos up soon as i'm madly going through them now in the hopes of having everything processed asap.

hammerheads, hammerheads...

mia said...

jet blue is cheap and direct and you were rather proud of your joblessness. :)

Anonymous said...

former joblessness. or at least, hopefully former joblessness. at least until i can figure out how to travel all over the world and not go broke from it...